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My Story

I am a Health at Every Size, inclusive personal trainer focusing on complete well-being. I try to focus on allowing people to see what their body is truly capable of, rather than what it looks like, to try and form a better relationship with their body. I focus primarily on strength training and powerlifting. I genuinely believe that moving your body and lifting some heavy weights about makes you feel stronger – both mentally and physically. Loving what your body can do is much more important than changing what it looks like. I try to make my sessions challenging but fun, keeping track of progress. I encourage learning to see your body for more than its aesthetic appearance including learning to enjoy exercise, food, accept your body, and embracing activity just for the fun of it. 

I have a BA in Sport and Golf from Bucks New Uni and an MSc in Nutrition and Exercise Science from Chester University where I focused primarily on nutrition and diets for women with PCOS and disordered eating in athletes. I then continued my studies and have a Level 3 Diploma in Eating Disorders from Stonebridge College and a Level One Certificate in Applying Intuitive Eating and Non-Diet Approaches in Practice. I am currently studying an MSc in Psychology and Mental Health with particular focus on ADHD and disordered eating.  


"I genuinely believe that moving your body and lifting some heavy weights about makes you feel stronger, both physically and mentally"

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